Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin comes out as a stutterer

Sophie Guidolin, a 34-year-old fitness influencer from the Gold Coast, went through a heartbreaking experience earlier this year when her marriage with Andrew Firgaira, a dentist, fell apart following the stillbirth of their baby. The couple had gotten married in Byron Bay in November the previous year, despite having been together for less than a year. They were eagerly anticipating the arrival of their first child, but sadly, the baby was stillborn in January.

Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin comes out as a stutterer
Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin comes out as a stutterer

In the wake of this tragic event, Sophie and Andrew’s relationship disintegrated, and Sophie later disclosed that she was the one who initiated the separation, not her husband. Sophie, known for her fitness-related content on social media, used her platform to make a candid confession about a personal struggle. While promoting fake tan products on her Instagram stories, she revealed that she often experiences a stutter when she gets nervous or stressed.


Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin comes out as a stutterer
Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin comes out as a stutterer

Sophie admitted that this speech impediment has caused her significant social anxiety, to the extent that it sometimes prevented her from leaving her house. Additionally, she mentioned that she deals with an eye twitch, which can make her a target for hurtful comments from online trolls.


Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin comes out as a stutterer
Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin comes out as a stutterer

One of her followers expressed gratitude for Sophie’s openness and shared a similar experience, revealing that they developed a stutter after receiving an epidural during childbirth and that it lasted about a year for each child they had (a total of four children). Sophie’s willingness to discuss these personal challenges helps normalize these issues and provide support to others who may be going through similar struggles.




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